The informed decision to choose a planned cesarean with no medical or obstetrical indication is perfectly legitimate
Thursday, November 17, 2011
U.S. cesarean rate is down from 32.9% to 32.8%

Friday, November 4, 2011
Why do some women prefer birth by caesarean? New research published

Why do some women prefer birth by caesarean? An internet survey by Pauline Hull, Carol Bedwell, Tina Lavender
BJM, Vol. 19, Iss. 11, 02 Nov 2011, pp 708 - 716Abstract: Caesarean section at maternal request remains a contentious issue, fuelled by reports of associated morbidity. To explore the motivations behind women's expression of preference for a planned caesarean birth, an internet survey was conducted using semi-structured questionnaires available via a UK-based international website, www.electivecesarean.com, over a 9-month period. A convenience sample of 359 pregnant women who stated that their preferred delivery method was 'elective caesarean section through my own choice' was included.
More NICE cesarean media coverage

Telegraph: Cruel cuts to midwives have made Caeasarean sections a cheaper option for NHS (3rd Nov)
Practical Ethics: The moral case for elective caesarean section (2nd Nov)
Marie Claire: All women will have the right to a caesarean, Hannah Thomas (31 Oct)
Huffington Post: Midwives are Able to Help Women Make the Right Choice About Their Childbirth, Cathy Warwick, Chief Executive of the Royal College of Midwives (31 Oct)
Huffington Post: Why didn't I have the right to a Caesarean, Sue Hedges (31 Oct)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Interview on BBC Breakfast Television

Sian Williams and Bill Turnball interviewed me and made the whole experience a very enjoyable one.
I must also thank
RCOG's response to the NICE guideline media reports
Comment posted on media NICE guideline stories today
The news that the draft NICE caesarean guideline supports maternal request for all informed women who want one has undoubtedly caused a media storm.
Here are a selection of links where I have registered (variations of) my comment below:
Express: Folly of caesarean births for everyone, Vanessa Feltz
Guardian: Caesarean sections should be life-saving, not a lifestyle choice, Louise Foxcroft
Telegraph: Childbirth finally leaves the Stone Age, Cristina Odone
Daily Mail: Now all women have the right to NHS caesareans in hugely expensive move, Tamara Cohen
AOL: All women to get the right to a caesarean birth on the NHS, Ceri Roberts
My Comment
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